

Karen O’Lessker – Healthcare Consultant

“At work and in life, the best we can do is plan for what we want to learn and contribute over the next year or two and stay open to what might come next.”

– Adam M. Grant

Karen O'Lessker Headshot with Border

Karen O'Lessker

Sr. Consultant

Healthcare “should be” easy for a patient to access and pay for services received; for a provider to deliver and receive proper reimbursement for services provided. U.S. healthcare is not simple, and finding expertise and know-how to optimize healthcare revenue is rare. 

After years in strategic, managerial, and operational roles with large health systems, a national healthcare insurance payer, IT healthcare data warehousing, EHR system applications and healthcare analytics, Karen O’Lessker has garnered extensive experience and knowledge implementing and leveraging front, middle, backend revenue cycle business and technology systems to enhance financial workflow optimization.

Play Video about Karen O'Lessker HCT Healthcare Consultant


Karen is a trusted leader and healthcare consultant, earning respect through candor, building collaborative relationships, and leading with an organization’s best interests. She enjoys stepping into a new role and making change happen.

Case Study: A 19 Hospital System, Plagued by Inefficiency in Their Coding Process

Outstanding coding dollars and inventory were consistently at high levels, on hold, and impacting cashflow and billing/claims timeliness for this health system that employed over 63,000 healthcare professionals.

What Clients Say About Karen

See How Karen Can Assist You

If you are ready to supercharge your organization’s growth, then we are excited to have a conversation with you.